Gaod homes and skeletons

So, I went to the supermarket one day because I needed to get some milk. When I reached the milk aisle, I noticed that my phone was ringing, so I answer. It was just a dude trying to sell me insurance. I end the call and buy the milk. Once I reach my car, I receive another phone call, this time from a company called Gaod Homes. I decline but the name stuck with me. Soon enough, I call my friend, asking about Gaod Homes. It wasn't a real company. I was like "Then who was phone?" My friend didn't get it, so I decided to come round his house. After I eventually reach my pal's house, I open the door and a skeleton popped out! It bared a resemblance to my friend. I was like "Then who was phone?" again, for the second time in 666 hours. I step over the skeleton and walk inside where I was killed by a skeleton popping out and crushing my lungs. There was blood everywhere when I eventually lost consciousness.
Moral: Never trust skeletons, Gaod Homes sucks and when in doubt, go "Then who was phone?" at every opportunity.